Usher Team Member

Title:                            Usher Team Member

Purpose:                      Provide usher services during Sunday services

Responsible to:           Usher Lead & Usher Team Captain

Description of Duties: Service at one Sunday service per month during the year and at special services (ie Easter, Christmas) when available to help.

Duties include:

Time Requirements: 90 minutes per Sunday.  As required for other volunteer usher activities.

Term:   2 years or longer if you are enjoying the team.

Training and Resources: On the job training from other ushers.

Skills and gifts: Hospitality, Service and Administration.

Benefits to one serving in this role:
As an usher you get to meet and greet church members, broaden your acquaintances with church members, contribute to the smooth operation of church activities on Sundays and receive the fulfillment of being part of the functioning of the church without a huge commitment of time outside of regular service times. 

Updated by: Renae Parra 4/2019